Jan 2024: A New Year

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Sending heartfelt greetings and new year wishes to both you and your loved ones in 2024 ❤️

I enter the new year feeling serious and reflective. Full of intention to clear some space for new ideas and perspectives. To pay attention to my mental well-being and shift some habitual patterns that I have garnered over the past few years, decades even...😁

2023 ended heavy, full and jumbled up. There is just so much to hold. The news and social platforms skim and pile, skim and pile, skim and pile.

To borrow from a show I watched recently- It is both too much and not enough.

Lately, in the morning and at the end of the day I light a candle. A small action that feels ceremonial. A pause, a remembering, a gathering, a release.

In honor of new intentions for the well-being of ourselves and of all others, I offer a 25% discount on all Candles, Incense and the Vessels I make for them.

Code: 2024 LOVE

ONLINE STUDIO SALE: Seconds, samples and one-offs are an ongoing in the process of clay making and pile up throughout the year.

There is a new collection for these misfits- off-size, color tests, slightly cracked or warped objects that I cannot bring myself to toss, and could still be loved. Check back often for updates.

Some links to share:

Waking up with Sam Harris - 9 minutes!

Mel Robbins - 6 questions to ask yourself, and a workbook

Bring me the Rhinoceros - My absolute favorite book of 2023

One Story, One Song - I am starting my year with a small book of short, beautifully and simply written personal essays by Richard Wagamese.

Here are two passages from this morning.

'The spirit teaching of the great caribou herds is community. They offer us a model of interaction that we would do well to adopt. Their presence on the land is an ongoing gift. Their disappearance would create a moral, spiritual and ethical vacuum. We can't allow our arrogance to create such holes in our relationship with our living, breathing planet. Our home is a finite place, and the responsibility for living here with respect, humility and purpose rests with all of us. I fervently hope it isn't too late to say, borrowing from the great Neil Young, long may we run'.

'In the Aboriginal way of seeing the world, everything is alive. Everything is exists in never-ending state of relationship. If there is order to be found, it lies in the all-encompassing faith in this belief'.


Peace within, Peace without ❤️ Michele 

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