I have a favorite saying at the studio, 'There's no fucking magic here!' It sounds negative and terrible but it's really an ode to all the hard work that goes into making things, and my belief that there is NO magic but that everything really just IS magic. I find it entertaining and energy-releasing while adding a little irreverent humor to my day.
Most of my work is made-to-order, meaning I'm reproducing an already existing object. Each step in the process carries it's own individual potential to bring forth something great or something that may not be exactly as expected or even wildly not as expected! I tend to eliminate the extreme wild cards in my process. In fact, it would be much easier if I followed a different ceramic business model where you make a shit load of work, do a massive firing and then open your doors for sale 3 or 4 times per year. This way happy accidents, interesting process fluctuations etc could be embraced and loved AS IS!
I've grappled with selling 'seconds' or one-offs. I had a long conversation years ago with a ceramicist who's EVERY not-perfect piece meets the dumpster. And I get it, he doesn't want to put anything out in the world that is not 'perfect'. And plenty of my pieces get smashed (fun) and dumpstered (new word). But then there are those that I look at and think, damn, this is so perfectly good! So much love and labor went into this and it's such a minor issue! But I know that if I send it to a store or to someone who purchased from a photo that they might possibly find it to be a flaw upon close inspection...not good.
Onto @mquanstudiosale....I've created a new instagram account with the sole purpose of being able to offer these pieces at a VERY discounted rate. I consider these pieces worthy of love! Two things about this make me feel good...it's great to be able to offer my work at a price for people who might not be able to afford it otherwise (made in NYC with tons of labor can be $$$ I know) and it feels good to NOT contribute to MORE WASTE, more landfill, which we most definitely have enough of.
So that's my rant. Hopefully I haven't bored you too much. Feel free to follow @mquanstudiosale for posts. At the moment the posts are random but maybe I'll settle into a day/time so you know when to look. I"ll keep you posted.