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WHAT MQuan Studio / GRDN BKLYN Plant & Planter sale

WHERE 1536 Route 212 Saugerties NY 12477
WHEN Saturday May 27th 2023 / 11am - 5pm (BKLN Date to follow)
WHO You and me and Susanne from GRDN BKLN
WHY Can we talk about how amazingly healing all this green is? How much we love this planet, our Mother Earth? All of this visual green therapy? 👁💚👁
Please come celebrate! I have a new collection of planters and Susanne from GRDN is bringing gorgeous plants and lots of know-how
Drop by and say HI 👋🏾 talk plants. No purchase necessary!

AND ENTER HERE a charitable raffle to win the planter pictured above and support the local organization Catskill Mountain Keeper. Their work focuses on the mission to protect our region's wild lands and natural resources, support smart development to sustainably support our economy, nurture healthy communities, and accelerate the transition to a 100% clean energy future in New York and beyond 

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